About the Review
About The Phillips Ives Nursing and Midwifery ReviewPreparing the Nursing and Midwifery workforce to deliver the digital future.
The Topol Review (2019) provided a view of digital healthcare technologies and their projected impact on the NHS workforce over the next 20 years. It identified a need to bridge the skills gap and future pipeline, specifically highlighting the need for technical staff.
This nursing focussed review, will build upon Topol’s findings and recommendations to determine the needs of the nursing and midwifery workforce to deliver health care in the digital age during the next 5, 10 and 20 years.
The Phillips Ives Review was launched virtually on 26 May 2022 by its Chair, Dr Natasha Phillips, Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO), NHS England and International Vice-Chair Dr Jeanette Ives Erickson (USA). You can watch a recording of the Review launch event and view or download the presentation slides on our resources page.
This year long in-depth study will identify what is required to enable the meeting of the CNIO NHS England's aims for nurses and midwives.
- To ensure nurses and midwives are empowered to practice and lead in a digitally-enabled health and social care system, now and in the future.
- To ensure nursing and midwifery practice is fully supported by the use of digital technology and data science.
The Review will bring together national and international experts with expertise in nursing and midwifery and beyond, to investigate, critically appraise and make recommendations to ensure the breadth of ambition and scope of future practice of the pre and post registration nursing and midwifery workforce is captured.
Learn more about how The Phillips Ives Review will be conducted.
Page last reviewed: 5 April 2023
Next review due: 5 April 2024