Identify the level of maturity of your organisation.

We recognise that candidates may be in organisations with differences in digital maturity. Whilst this will not impact whether candidates are selected for the programme, it is important for us to understand the context in which you work and the level of influence you may have on implementing organisational level digital change and transformation. The matrix below has been designed to help you identify the level of maturity of your organisation which you will be asked as part of the application process.

Knowledge, skills and abilities
Forming - 1 Organisation does not current possess the skills and knowledge and abilities for digital change and transformation. They may not have or understand tools to enable the process of digital change. Digital literacy is not a priority and there is little to no examples of education and learning related to digitally enabled projects. Digital leadership capability is siloed or restricted to certain areas of the organisation.
Developing - 3 Organisation is actively in the early stages of an organisational approach to building knowledge and skills a and identifying key tasks and activities actions to take to enable this. They have some understanding of the tools and resources they need to enable digital change and have begun some activities to improve digital literacy and capabilities, but this is not widespread across the organisation. Digital leadership capability is growing across the organisation with organisational recognition of the potential for development.
Mature - 5 Organisation is proactively monitoring and making changes to improve their approach to digitally enabled operations and projects. Organisation has invested in the skills, knowledge, and tools to continue to improve and develop the level of digital literacy and capabilities across the organisation and not just within digital teams. They have examples of education and learning from best practice There is digital leadership capability distributed across the organisation.
Forming - 1 Organisation is not confident that they will be able to implement digital change or transformational activities effectively. There may be a lack motivation or scepticism of whether change will be successful even with effort. There is likely to be resistance to changing processes and ways of working across key parts of the organisation that is preventing exploration and investment.
Developing - 3 Organisation has a moderate amount of confidence in their ability to plan for digital change and transformation but may lack confidence in how they can take their plans forward or where to start. The organisation is making tentative steps, piloting small scale, change in localised areas of the organisation and can see some of the initial benefits of testing and exploring opportunities. Organisation is likely to be considering ways of scaling or increasing focus on digitally enabled organisations.
Mature - 5 Organisation is confident in their ability to plan, implement, review and adapt their approaches to digital change and transformation. They are committed to making time and effort to continue the cycle of proactive developments for using digital that will benefit their workforce and service users. They are confident to try new ways of working through trial and error.
Forming - 1 There is not a organisational wide strategy and lack of buy-in at board level. Senior leaders are struggling to influence others in the organisation to prioritise digital change and transformation at a strategic level. They may struggle to engage others or are unable to offer convincing arguments for the importance of introducing digitally enabled projects to make improvements and introduce new ways of working.
Developing - 3 The organisation is in the early stages of creating a digital strategy to set the direction for the organisation to consider how they may approach digitally enabled services and processes. Senior leaders have actively engaged with others in the organisation in the process of planning and have identified some champions who will support the experimentation of delivery of change projects but have not yet started embedding learning where initial pilots have been undertaken.
Mature - 5 Organisation is proactively monitoring and making changes to improve their approach to digitally enabled operations and projects. Organisation has invested in the skills, knowledge, and tools to continue to improve and develop the level of digital literacy and capabilities across the organisation and not just within digital teams. They have examples of education and learning from best practice There is digital leadership capability distributed across the organisation.
Forming - 1 Organisation requires significant improvements to infrastructure and there are issues with the quality and sustainability of hardware, software, facilities and service components that support the delivery of business systems and IT-enabled processes. Infrastructure requires significant investments before the organisation will be able to invest in digital change and transformation effectively.
Developing - 3 The organisation has made some improvements and developments in building a robust and sustainable infrastructure, recognising the importance of investment. This is currently a work in progress with some elements of the infrastructure having been upgraded with others still requiring significant investment. Developments are starting to be tested before rollout and there are some examples where developments have been tested with users and evaluated at a small scale.
Mature - 5 Organisation is confident in their ability to plan, implement, review and adapt their approaches to digital change and transformation. They are committed to making time and effort to continue the cycle of proactive developments for using digital that will benefit their workforce and service users. They are confident to try new ways of working through trial and error.

Page last reviewed: 3 April 2023
Next review due: 3 April 2024