The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has completed a commission by the Digital Academy to develop the raw content for an online, interactive learning resource that introduces Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) to health informatics and shows how technology can support their work.

The CSP worked collaboratively with Keele University and other Allied Health Professional (AHP) professional bodies to deliver the content, which builds on exploratory work it conducted as part of the CSP’s Physiotherapy Health Informatics Strategy (PHIS).The strategy identified the need for accessible online learning made up of bitesize content to support clinicians to meet this requirement.

Relevant to all AHPs

The course content is supported by examples of good practice across AHP healthcare. CSP worked with 12 of the 14 AHP professional bodies and their representatives to ensure content and delivery were relevant to all professions. Once the design phase commences, the plan is for the learning to be hosted by NHS England but to be accessible to all AHPs in the UK regardless of where they are based, their employment sector, and their experience.

The platform will allow users to access the learning when it is appropriate for them, with each learning byte taking no more than 15 minutes at a time. The course has been designed for anyone involved in AHP services who is new to digital and informatics to support the delivery of their services.


The CSP are proud to have completed this collaborative work with colleagues at Keele University and from the other professions. The input from those experts in our profession, and from other AHPs, has delivered a learning resource that can transform introductory digital and informatics skills for AHPs. The CSP look forward to the next phase of the project to make these resources live for our members and for fellow AHPs.
Ash James, Director of Practice and Development, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

The role of digital in health and social care

When used appropriately, digital technology can have a positive impact on health and social care service provision and patient experience. Both the 2016 Wachter Report and 2019 Topol Review commented that gaps in AHP competence, reinforced by a lack of specific and relatable clinical examples are among the reasons for it not being mainstream in the delivery of healthcare.

NHS England’s Long Term Plan (2019) identified the need for AHPs to develop competence, confidence and motivation in the use of digital technology, a focus repeated in the digital framework for AHPs in England (2019), the AHP strategy for England (2022) as well as the digital strategies of Northern Ireland (2016), Scotland (2021), and Wales (2022).


Digital is increasingly part of the delivery of high-quality health and social care services. Equipping our workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to improve services, including through the use of digital, data and technology, is a vital part of that process. At The NHS Digital Academy, we are fully committed to the development and delivery of digital education for the AHP workforce and indeed all clinical staff.
James Freed, Deputy Director, The NHS Digital Academy, NHS England

Publication of the resource

This phase of the work is now complete with the next phase to design the online, interactive platform expected to start in early 2024.


Euan McComiskie

Health Informatics Lead

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Page last reviewed: 11 January 2024
Next review due: 11 January 2025