1.3 Research reports
Chapter 1: IntroductionThis report aims to enhance understanding of what influences confidence in artificial intelligence (AI) among healthcare workers.
This first report provides an analysis of the literature review and the interviews conducted for this research, synthesised into a conceptual framework for understanding confidence in AI among healthcare workers.
Audiences for this report
The report aims to enhance understanding of what influences confidence in AI among healthcare workers. It can be used by policymakers, regulators, arm’s length bodies, legal professionals and industry innovators to guide activities that can contribute towards developing confidence in AI. These activities, many of which are already underway, are listed in the Conclusion section.
The report can also be used as guidance by healthcare workers who want to understand concepts related to confidence for AI, to inform how they adopt, implement, and use AI technologies in their settings. These can include individuals responsible for strategic decisions and for the procurement of AI technologies, as well as regular users of these technologies.
A second report will determine educational and training needs based on the findings and conceptual framework presented in this first report. It will outline pathways to inform how educational providers, industry innovators, and healthcare providers can develop related education and training offerings for current and future healthcare workers.
Page last reviewed: 11 April 2023
Next review due: 11 April 2024