Foreword and executive summaryThe foreword by Patrick Mitchell, Director of Innovation, Digital and Transformation, NHS England.
It has been my privilege as the Director of Innovation, Digital and Transformation to support the development of digital skills, promote innovation in education and training, and drive tools and approaches to workforce redesign and transformation across our health and care sector.
We have made steady progress in these areas over the years but have seen accelerated progress and impact in recent years with significant investment and a desire to adopt innovation and new technologies in education-which must be applauded.
This report provides an overview of how digital health education and skills is being delivered by academic and clinical educators and the technologies being utilised. It highlights examples of good practice but also the inconsistencies in provision and inequity in access to innovative technologies, digital health education and digital skills development. The benefits are clear but not without challenges that must be addressed.
It is evident that our preregistration and undergraduate programmes must continually evolve in response to preparing the future health workforce adequately to deliver contemporary and efficient evidence-based health and social care.
The report has culminated from strong collaboration with various individuals and system partners who are all committed to health and social care education and training grounded in evidence.
It is crucial that we carry on working together to implement the recommendations and support consistent spread and adoption of innovation, capacity and further develop required capability for delivery. I believe the strong partnerships will also support development of local and regional networks and help us target any future investments to address identified gaps and increase equitable access.
Page last reviewed: 9 May 2023
Next review due: 9 May 2024