Read about the approach taken with this review.

The review covered the following professions.

  • Allied Health Professionals.
  • Dentistry.
  • Health Care Science.
  • Medicine.
  • Midwifery.
  • Nursing.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Psychology.
  • Social Work.

Evidence for this review was from the following.

1. Pre-mortem exercise

At the start of the project, a pre-mortem review was conducted by the project team. The aim of this session was to identify key risks, threats, and potential successes of this project.

2. Desktop research and literature review

The project team conducted a literature review using resources as outlined in the project proposal along with any other research and reports on digital technology in education over the past 5 years. A supplementary review of digital technologies in education and additional review of the use of digital methodologies were then carried out to augment the initial findings.

3. Online survey

An online survey was cascaded via key stakeholders to collect preliminary insight into the use and teaching of digital technologies across clinical and academic health and care education. Further insight into the survey, can be found in Appendix B.

4. Focus groups

Two mixed group focussed workshops were hosted to provide deeper, contextualised insight into people’s current experiences.

5. Case study interviews

The project team conducted interviews with key stakeholders who demonstrated initiative and best practice in teaching and using digital technologies in health and care education.

Page last reviewed: 9 May 2023
Next review due: 9 May 2024