What skills do faculty feel they need?
Key findings: The specialist and technical skills needed by faculty staff (clinical and academic)Find out what skills faculty think they need.
Regarding faculty skills, dynamic problem-solving was identified in the focus groups as important.
This is important because technical issues are common when using digital technologies. Having the skills to resolve these issues whilst delivering digital education is key.
Faculty should also be digitally literate because this allows them to us digital skills and digital mechanisms in their digital technologies teaching.
However, there is disparity in the technical skills of faculty.
It was identified in the focus groups and survey that, an element of this disparity comes from generational differences in academic staff, with those who are older sometimes being less confident using digital technologies. Additionally, it was identified by 1 participant in the survey that not all educators have the same access to digital technologies which can be a barrier to developing digital literacy and technical skills.
One way to increase confidence in faculty to develop specialist and technical skills could be to involve them in the selection and implementation of new technologies. This might empower them and give them ownership over the technologies they are using.
Page last reviewed: 10 May 2023
Next review due: 10 May 2024