Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms and forewordThis report has been developed by Health Education England and the NHS Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab at the NHS Transformation Directorate.
Health Education England
Health Education England (HEE) exists for one reason only: to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place.
At any one-time HEE supports more than 160,000 students and trainees whilst working closely with partners across the NHS locally, regionally, and nationally on shared priorities.
In 2019, HEE were commissioned by the then Secretary of State to deliver the Topol Review recommendations looking at the impact of leading-edge digital technologies on the workforce. The Digital, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technologies in Education (DART-Ed) programme picks up from this in 2021 to explore the linkage between mature evidenced AI and its workforce impact and required training and education.
NHS Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab
The NHS AI Lab was set up to accelerate the safe, ethical and effective adoption of AI in health and social care. Its vision is that the UK will be world leading for the development and use of AI-driven technologies to improve people’s health and wellbeing, delivering the most impactful technology to support our health and care system. The Lab creates an environment for collaboration and co-creation by bringing together programmes that address the barriers to developing and deploying AI in health and care. This will unlock the potential of AI to change the way healthcare is delivered, whilst ensuring we can determine the right guidance and regulations to protect patients and those in care.
About the authors
Dr Mike Nix is a Clinical Fellow for AI and Workforce at Health Education England and the NHS AI Lab.
George Onisiforou is a Research Manager for the AI Ethics Initiative at the NHS AI Lab.
Dr Annabelle Painter is a Clinical Fellow for AI and Workforce at Health Education England and the NHS AI Lab.
The authors would like to thank the following for their ongoing guidance and oversight of all research deliverables.
- Dr Hatim Abdulhussein (Health Education England)
- Brhmie Balaram (NHS AI Lab)
- Lucy Dodkin (Health Education England)
- Tom Hardie (The Health Foundation)
The authors would like to thank the following individuals at Health Education England (HEE) for providing valuable feedback on aspects of this report.
- Prof Adrian Brooke
- Alan Davies
- Prof Berne Ferry
- Dominic Gilroy
- Orlando Hampton
- Patrick Mitchell
- Chris Munsch
- Stuart Sutherland
- Paul Sadle
- Dr Andrew Tate
- Richard Turnbull
The authors would like to thank the following individuals at the NHS Transformation Directorate.
- Dan Berry
- Sarah Culkin
- Dominic Cushnan
- Edward Kendall
- Yinka Makinde
- Dr Kate Pavlidou
- Ming Tang
The authors would also like to thank:
- Dr Alan Davies (University of Manchester)
- Dr Alexander Deng (Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust)
- Dr Allison Gardner (NICE)
- Dr Xiaoxuan Liu (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
- the individuals listed in Appendix B who were interviewed for this research (and have agreed to be acknowledged), and all other interviewees for this research
- Jennifer Berger (NHS AI Lab) and Beth Johnson (Health Education England) for their support with communications activities
- Nic Hinton (Karoshikula) for designing the report
Abbreviation | Explanation |
Abbreviation AHCS | Explanation Academy for Healthcare Science |
Abbreviation AI | Explanation Artificial Intelligence |
Abbreviation AphA | Explanation Association of professional healthcare Analysts |
Abbreviation BCS | Explanation British Computer Society |
Abbreviation CCIO | Explanation Chief Clinical information Officer |
Abbreviation CHIME | Explanation College of Healthcare Information Management Executives |
Abbreviation CIO | Explanation Chief Information Officer |
Abbreviation CNIO | Explanation Chief Nursing Information Officer |
Abbreviation CRDM | Explanation Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making |
Abbreviation CSO | Explanation Clinical Safety Officer |
Abbreviation DART-Ed | Explanation Digital, AI and Robotics Technologies in Education |
Abbreviation DDaT | Explanation Digital, Data and Technology |
Abbreviation FCI | Explanation Faculty of Clinical Informatics |
Abbreviation FEDIP | Explanation Federation of Informatics Professionals |
Abbreviation FPT | Explanation Flexible Portfolio Training |
Abbreviation GMC | Explanation General Medical Council |
Abbreviation HEE | Explanation Health Education England |
Abbreviation HCPC | Explanation Health and Care Professions Council |
Abbreviation HSST | Explanation Higher Specialist Scientist Training |
Abbreviation ICS | Explanation Integrated Care System |
Abbreviation IG | Explanation Information Governance |
Abbreviation IT | Explanation Information Technology |
Abbreviation ISDN | Explanation Informatics Skills Development Networks |
Abbreviation MDT | Explanation Multi-Disciplinary Team |
Abbreviation NHS | Explanation National Health Service |
Abbreviation NMC | Explanation The Nursing and Midwifery Council |
Abbreviation NSHCS | Explanation National School of Healthcare Science |
Abbreviation PCS | Explanation Primary Care Network |
Abbreviation PMO | Explanation Project Management Office |
Abbreviation SIG | Explanation Special Interest Group |
Abbreviation STP | Explanation Scientist Training Programme |
Page last reviewed: 17 April 2023
Next review due: 17 April 2024