Chapter 3: Suggested Educational Approach
Chapter 3: Suggested Educational ApproachAn overview of Chapter 3.
This chapter provides a suggested approach to educating and training the existing and future healthcare workforce to develop confidence in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The suggested approach is informed by the insights and findings presented in the first report1 and the resulting framework for understanding factors influencing confidence in AI within health settings (see section 1.2).
At a strategic level, this suggested approach can inform how Health Education England (HEE), education and training providers for healthcare workers, managers at health and care settings, and industry innovators plan, resource, design and deliver educational offerings for AI in health settings.
The areas of knowledge, skills and capabilities listed in this chapter and Appendix A can also assist these education providers to develop curricula and content for training programmes and educational materials.
The chapter ends with a presentation of several personas that highlight potential educational journeys for healthcare workers in developing, implementing and using AI technologies in the future.
1 Nix M, Onisiforou G, Painter A. Understanding healthcare workers’ confidence in AI. Health Education England & NHS AI Lab. 2022. Accessed 29 June, 2022.
Page last reviewed: 18 April 2023
Next review due: 18 April 2024