3.5 Educational routes and personas
Chapter 3: Suggested Educational ApproachPersonas represent examples of prospective roles within the healthcare workforce in relation to artificial intelligence (AI).
The following personas represent examples of prospective roles and responsibilities in the healthcare workforce that relate to how artificial intelligence (AI) technologies may potentially be adopted in health settings. The personas specify potential education and learning routes for these roles.
The personas are illustrative and speculative and are not intended to dictate rigid structures and systems, job roles, education routes or capability requirements. The personas are provided to initiate discussions and further exploration of how education and training could be developed and delivered for the workforce.
Creator: Persona 1
Completed clinical scientist training in clinical informatics that incorporated a foundational AI education programme and specialised modules for Creators.
Undertook additional courses at the National School for Healthcare Science in AI design and development within healthcare. Continually updates knowledge through open access digital training courses.
Creator: Persona 2
Worked as senior dermatology registrar in Nymouth ICS.
Undertook foundational AI training through an online self-paced course when AI products were first deployed in the trust dermatology department. This was accompanied by product-specific training led by the ICS Embedder team.
Applied for a year out of training and was seconded to a digital health fellowship with the ICS AI MDT. During this year, gained necessary experience to complete a PG dip in digital health technologies before returning to complete CCT.
Applied for a Digital Clinical Consultant post and continues to work in a combined role split between clinical work and working in the ICS AI MDT. Continually updates knowledge through open access digital training courses.
Embedder: Persona 1
During foundation years, had a four-month digital health placement working within an ICS AI MDT. Undertook extended joint digital/clinical medical training programme with time split between clinical work and time spent working within the ICS AI MDT. This included collaborative work with industry partners to develop skills in clinical validation and clinical informatics.
Achieved a set of competencies through this training programme counting towards a postgraduate (PG) diploma in clinical informatics and data science supplemented by additional study on a remote learning platform.
Embedder: Persona 2
Via the equivalence progression in-service training route, completed the Scientific Training Programme (STP) in clinical bioinformatics, including a foundational AI education programme and specialised modules that covered requirements for Embedders.
After training at 2 other trusts, applied for a role within Nymouth ICS. Continually updates training through open access digital training courses to gain the skills required for each AI project in the trust.
User: Persona 1
Consulted by Embedders about the introduction of a new AI triage technology.
Undertook foundational AI education programme on an online platform.
Worked with ICS AI MDT to design a safe and effective workflow integration for the triage product.
Undertook product-specific education for the triage product lead by the ICS AI MDT and continues to attend refresher sessions as the product is updated.
User: Persona 2
After working for several years as an occupation therapist in the NHS, completed medical training through a Medical Doctor Degree Apprenticeship, foundation programme and radiology specialist training.
As a consultant, undertook foundational AI training through an online self-paced course.
Participated in product-specific training led by the ICS Embedder team when each radiology AI product was introduced.
Undertook ongoing product-specific education as AI products are updated.
User: Persona 3
When the PCN decided to collectively implement AI solutions to improve patient appointment booking, all staff were supported to undertake the foundational AI education course using the self-paced online course on the NHS learning platform.
Undertook product specific training on the AI product deployed in the PCN.
Page last reviewed: 19 April 2023
Next review due: 19 April 2024