Framework structureThe framework is built on the foundation of basic digital literacy.
This literacy also extends through the framework concerning literacy with more advanced concepts such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics. The framework consists of 6 primary domains consisting of 11 sub-domains and 195 individual capability statements.
The 6 primary domains and sub-domains are listed below.
2. Digital health for patients and the public
2.1 Providing direct care with digital technologies
2.2 Remote consultation and monitoring
3. Ethical, legal and regulatory considerations
3.1 Ethics
3.2 Legislation and regulation
4.1 Management, leadership, and planning
4.1.1 Management
4.1.2 Leadership
5.1 Data management and processing
5.1.1 Data collection and context
5.1.2 Data storage
5.1.3 Data visualisation and reporting
5.1.4 Data processing and analytics
5.2 Data/cyber security
5.2.1 Data privacy and confidentiality
6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
6.1 Machine learning and natural language processing
6.2 Using and implementing AI systems
6.3 Evaluating AI systems
6.4 Robotics
Each of the capability statements are grouped into related sections and sub-sections. They are further grouped into 4 knowledge levels that increase in complexity and depth from 1 to 4.
- Level
- Capability statements
- Archetype(s)
Each of the capabilities are badged with the archetypes introduced previously that are most relevant for a particular capability statement. Therefore you can review capabilities by topic and matching archetype to which you identify against.
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Page last reviewed: 14 February 2023