The current landscape
IntroductionThere are several competency and capability frameworks currently available in this space so why do we need another one? This section will explain why the framework is needed and how it differs from existing ones.
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Healthcare Technologies framework straddles the space between the foundational digital capabilities2 that were based on the Jisc digital capacity framework and competency frame-works aimed at specific data and IT centric professionals, such as the Faculty of Clinical Informatics (FCI) Core Competency Framework16 or the Federation of Informatics Professionals (FEDIP)17.
Digital literacy → Foundational digital health capabilities → AI and Digital healthcare technology capabilities → Data/IT centric profession focussed competency frameworks.
The framework focuses on building capabilities rather than developing core competencies which more specialist frameworks focus on. This framework specifically focuses on digital health technologies and their use, including AI and robotics. It is envisaged that users of this framework can already meet the appropriate capabilities and competencies for their specific role but want to develop their digital skills to safely and effectively interact with healthcare technologies.
Certain data centric groups may also have specific frameworks such as that provided by Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) for library and information management personnel18 or those identified by the Assoicated of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA) report19. There are also international offerings for certain professional groups, such as bio-informaticians European life Sciences Infrastructure (ELIXIR) and nursing informatics Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER).
There is currently no UK based framework for Health Data Scientists in the NHS or those professionals that will be looking towards the implementation of AI systems. This new framework aims to span the gap between fundamental digital capabilities and the advanced frameworks that target specific professional groups by providing a middle ground for a larger proportion of the work-force who will be expected to develop their knowledge, understanding and capability so they can use and apply these technologies.
2 Health Education England (2018) A Health and Care Digital Capabilities Framework
16 Faculty of Clinical Informatics (2020) Core Competency Framework for Clinical Informaticians
17 FedIP (2021) Professionalism for better health and care. Federation for Informatics Professionals
18 CILIP (2021)
19 Stroner, P., Pitt, M., Kelsey, K., Hanson, D., Arafin, R. (2021) Report on competency frameworks for health service analysis. Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA)
Page last reviewed: 14 February 2023
Next review due: 20 February 2024