Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Methodology and frameworkBloom's Digital Taxonomy has been used as a basis for the creation of individual capability statements in the framework. The Taxonomy is explained throughout this section.
Individual capability statements in the framework in each level are ordered based on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.
The taxonomy moves from lower order thinking skills (bottom) to higher order thinking skills (top).
The digital taxonomy defines a hierarchy of learning activities that can be applied to a digital environment.
This can be used for tasks such as lesson planning and curriculum design.
Higher order thinking skills to lower order thinking skills
- Creating: Pulling previous elements together to create something new.
- Evaluating: Critiquing and checking. Making decisions based on criteria.
- Analysing: Break down of information into sub components and determining connections.
- Applying: The application of knowledge and processes to situations.
- Understanding: Construction of meaning and building relationships.
- Remembering: Memory for recall of various facts, material, processes, procedures and defintions.
Page last reviewed: 14 February 2023
Next review due: 20 February 2024